Sunday, August 13, 2006

Today I'm cupping some Indian coffees from Karnataka Plantation.

The Maya-Lot #6007 proved to be my favorite, but not by much. Karnataka describes it as; Earthy, complex, spicy with medium body. I found it to be, clove, cinnamon and tobacco with medium body and clean finish. Overall I scored it a 86.

Running a close second was the Kimaya-Lot #6028. Karnataka's cupping notes for this one are, Heady perfume, spice, big body of butter and caramel. Mild finish. My cupping revealed a sweet, flowery aroma, heavy clove and light caramel and light body. Overall I scored it a 84.

Overall I wasn't overly impressed with any of these. At least not enough to buy any. Another thing I kept finding was the majority of Karnataka's cupping notes were nowhere near mine. For example the Kohinoor-Lot #6024 is described by Karnataka as having deep chocolate notes. I found no chocolate but rather a not unpleasant but weird peanut flavor dominating.

They do get big points for including a engraved, silver cupping spoon. The samples also arrived allready roasted which was a bit of a surprise. The roast level was fine for cupping and they did a good job of it. It did make cupping this set a bit less of a job.

They still continue to provide a mind numbing array of printed material with everything they do. Lots of different size full color glossy cards, pamphlets, just too much. One other thing I find maddingly irritating is the closeness in similarity of the different coffees names. All small things and just my own personal bent.


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